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» » Tazama Nafasi Mpya za AJIRA kutoka Mtandao wa Elimu Tanzania (TEN/MET | Nimekuwekea Hapa

Tanzania Education Network/Mtandao wa Elimu Tanzania (TEN/MET) is a national network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working in education. Its aim is to work and link up with other education stakeholders to support the realization of equitable access to quality education for all.
TEN/MET currently has openings for highly qualified, competent and motivated individuals for the following positions based in Dar es Salaam. Detailed job descriptions and applications requirements can be accessed through the TEN/MET website: www.tenmet.org.


The Programme Officer will be responsible for the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of TEN/MET programmes. S/he will ensure that TEN/MET increases its impact as a membership network in developing the capacity of its members. The successful candidate will also perform policy analysis and advocacy related activities and liaise with both the Government and other key stakeholders in the education sector. The candidate will also participate in the strategic thinking of TEN/MET programmes and directions.
The post requires a first degree holder in education or social sciences, with practical experience on project formulation and management, report writing, budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation. A Master's degree will be an added advantage.


The Accountant will be responsible for the accounting Junctions of the organization, including preparation, maintenance, and interpretation of TEN/MET's accounting records, financial reports, accounting policies and procedures, and office and data processing services. The post requires a holder of a Degree in Accounting/Finance plus CPA (T) or equivalent qualification and registered by NBAA as Associate Certified
Public Accountant with not less than three years of relevant experience in accounting duties and computer accounting packages.


S/he will be the IT technical system administrator, ensuring availability of networks and devices and server resources in the organization.
S/he will be responsible for monitoring and maintenance of all computers, management of the database of members, and the organization's website and development of Newsletters. A first degree in computer studies is required. Fluency in written English is needed.


S/he is responsible for driving the organization's vehicle, and its maintenance. This post requires a holder of form IV certificate with a good
record of Class C Driving Licence and Trade Test Grade III or advanced Drivers Certificate Grade III from a recognized institution like
VETNNIT, with not less than three years of clean driving experience. Ability to speak English is an added advantage.

Program Manager-1 POSITION

For this position, TEN/MET is seeking for a person who has the capacity to lead and coordinate a team of Programme Officers in the identification, planning and development of TEN/MET programmes, oversee the management, implementation and monitoring of the programme activities and ensure high performance and achievement of the organizational goals. The Program Manager is in charge of
providing strategic leadership in linking with and supporting TEN/MET Members. S/he is also expected to provide programmatic support and advice to the Coordinator.

The above positions.carry attractive remuneration as per TEN/MET salary structure and incentive package.

Tanzania Education Network/Mtandao wa Elimu Tanzania (TEN/MET) is an equal opportunity employer. Interested and qualified Tanzanians are invited to send their applications enclosing detailed curriculum vitae, certificate copies of relevant education and professional qualifications together with names of three referees, and their contacts. Please note that TEN/MET has no recruitment agent, therefore all applications should be sent through tenmet.jobs@gmail.com Or by post to: TEN/MET - (Write the name of the post you are applying for here.), TEN/MET, POBox 13547, Dar es Salaam

Imehaririwa na;- poatel Africa

Habari yako! Endelea kutembelea Tovuti ya TeknoTaarifa kwa Taarifa murwa za Teknolojia kutoka ndani na nje ya Tanzania, Tupo kwa ajili ya wapenzi wa Teknolojia.
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